What is Google TV?

Google TV is not a TV, it’s a software platform, a limited OS(Operating System) that works only with specific hardware, for now, like Logitech Revue, and Sony Internet TV and Blu-ray Player.

To better understand it, just substitute Google with the word Search “Search TV”. GTV is a search engine that is designed to find any TV shows, movies and any internet material just like Google Search in your PC. I am sure some of you have a cable box, XB360, PS3 or Roku connected to your TV so you can watch TV shows or movies from Netflix or Amazon, but finding the show or movie to watch you will need to manually search the TV guide or you have to stroll through several screens before you find what you want to watch. Well with Google TV software all you have to do is enter what you want to watch in a search bar just like Google Search in your PC.

So how does Google does it? It taps into TV listings, TV programming databases and Internet so it can give you the show you want. Google TV, for now, is not perfect. Some of the TV programming databases can not be accessed by Google TV because they are proprietary, but give it some time and with Google’s resources these databases will be available soon.

So how can you get  Google TV or Internet TV Setup? Right now,  there are only 3 devices that will allow you to get Google TV: Sony Internet TV, Sony Blu-ray player with Google TV and Revue by Logitech. All 3 devices require that you have a fast DSL or Cable Internet connection with a wired or wireless router. The Sony Internet TV connects directly into your wired or wireless network and the other device connect to your network and your TV with an HDMI cable.

Just as Google search on the PC has been the dominant search engine,  Google TV will be the OS for future TV’s. I expect all TV manufacturers will follow Sony’s lead and make their TV’s compatible with Google TV. In the mean time Blu-ray players and other set-top devices will offer Google TV for your existing flat screen TV.